Connaught Place

Comprehensive Redevelopment of Connaught Place includes restoration of Facades of the buildings, improvement in vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including integration of vomitory of Delhi Metro, Under Ground Parking for 4000 Cars, 8 new Subways having 64 escalators, Landscaping, Graphics and Signage’s, Up gradation of Civic Services such as 40 MW of electricity supply system, 30,00,000 liter of water storage and its distribution system, drainage, sanitation, dedicated firefighting system for CP, security systems including CCTV, Roads and pathways, construction of 2 km long 7×7 mt. under ground Service Corridor, in the middle circle to carry engineering services, Central metered chilled water supply system for District Cooling, etc.

Role of DAG:
Design of all aspects of this Urban Renewal project including Urban Design , Architectural Conservation , Traffic and transportation system including pedestrianisation, Architecture, Structural design, Retrofitting, Engineering services  such as electrical,, water supply, drainage, sanitation, firefighting, security systems, HVAC, Landscaping, Graphics and Signages, and periodic supervision